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Submit Product Feedback

To Submit feedback for a product, first enter your Invoice Number (optional)
(this is a 6 digit number found on your invoice) 

Secondly, please enter the Product Code your want to give feedback for
(This is a 6 digit code that can be found on your Invoice eg. DVD016 / CDS003 / 101476)

Thirdly, please rate the following aspects of the product from 1 to 10
(please read the FAQ on the right of this page to understand what each is)

1 Star = atrocious   10 stars = perfect
Waiting Time for Product
Packaging (if applicable)
Viewing Quality of Product
Speed of Contact
Overall Rating

Please write in any other comments or suggestions you would like to add

Thank you for giving some feedback on your product

If you would like to contact me about something else,
then click the Contact Me link on the left of this page


Please double check your form and then click